Dream Killers: How to Spot them and Stop Them

The DIVA Movement

We all have a unique purpose and plan for our existence on Earth.  Our dreams and desires are specifically designed to help us fulfill this purpose in life.  In order to fulfill your purpose and destiny, you must be aware of the people, places and circumstances that are designed to get you off course and give up on your dreams.  DREAM KILLERS!

Dream Killers can be a person,thought or idea that attempts to destroy your dream.  Dream Killers have been known to assassinate the dreams and plans of thousands of people.   The first step is to recognize some of the enemies of your dreams.

Here are some common dream killers:

Failures-There is not one person on this earth that has not failed at something.  What makes or breaks a real winner is the power that you give it. Success is never final and failure is never fatal, unless you let it.  The one indicator that…

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3 Ways to Practice Gratitude Everyday

 3 Simple Ways to practice gratitude

In the spirit of Thanksgiving I wanted to share 3 ways you can express gratitude everyday. Research shows that people who practice gratitude are happier have improved health and more likely to maintain healthy relationships.

Did you know that it is physiologically impossible to be stressed and thankful at the same time. The more you practice gratitude the more it will become an intrinsic part of your life.

Try these 3 Simple Things this week

1. Take a Daily Thank You Walk.  Remind yourself of everything that you are thankful for in your life.  Doing this at the start of your day will set the tone for an uplifting and productive day. Gratitude is like a muscle. the more you use it the bigger it becomes.

2. Share it! Sharing your gratitude with others is a great source of inspiration. Leave a note for your partner letting them know 3 reasons why you are grateful to have them in your life.  Place gratitude notes in your kids backpacks, or send gratitude texts, letters or make a gratitude call to a friend.

3.Post Daily Reminders of gratitude in your home or in your office. Here are a few of my favorites:

Gratitude prepares your heart to receive life’s abundance.

Wishing you and your loved ones a Thanksgiving holiday filled with love, joy and gratitude.

5 Quotes that will change Your Life


5 Quotes that will change your Life

  1. When people show you who they are, believe them”-Maya Angelou


2. “You must do the thing you think you cannot”-Eleanor Roosevelt


3.” Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny”-C.S. Lewis


4. “Follow your passion;It will lead you to your purpose”-Oprah

5. “There is no passion to be found in playing small..”-Nelson Mandela10-no-passion-in-playing-small-mandela