Rebuilding Your Tribe

 ‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.’

Jim Rohn


There comes a time in everyone’s life when you have to re-evaluate the people in your life. You may find that its necessary to rebuild your tribe.

Consider This

The people you spend the most time with influences your behavior, thoughts, confidence and decisions. In other words your network can make or break you. Japanese Koi will grow in proportion to the size of its environment. Like the Koi, your potential for growth is directly affected by your environment.

Are you surrounded by people who are supporting or hindering you? Surrounding yourself with like-minded people who support your goals and who are committed to achieving their own can be extremely powerful. You need these people in your tribe to help you stay motivated.

If you are committed to growing, it’s inevitable that you will have to leave some folks behind. If you are determined to live an extraordinary life you will have to watch the company that you keep.


Surround Yourself with People who Make you reach higher


Need to rebuild your Tribe? Here are a few tips:

  1. Step it up-There is nothing gained by always being the smartest person in the room. Find your area for growth and follow/connect with people who are better at it than you are. If you expect to grow, you have to be a life- long student.
  2.  Meet with your mentors on a regular basis-The right mentor will provide the feedback, wisdom and advice to help motivate and stretch you
  3. Get Social-Join a supportive community of like-minded individuals . Make it a priority to attend events where you can engage and connect with other people with similar interests and values.

Try this exercise

  • Who are the 5 people in your life that you spend time with? As in, if your day has 24 hours, how many of those hours are spent with which people. (I’m guessing amongst people will be some members of your family, your spouse, co-workers and some close friends.) Write those 5 people on a piece of paper. (It’s ok if they are less than 5.)
  • Once you have a list of those 3-5 people, ask yourself this: Who are they? What do they do with their lives? How ambitious are they, how successful have they been, how happy, optimistic, and enthusiastic are they?
  • Evaluate carefully if those people will really be those that will help you get to the next level you want to get to. Do they push you forward when you come to them with new ideas, no matter what? Or do they tell you that what you have in mind won’t work? Will they keep you going once the birds pick up your seeds, once your seeds fall on shallow or thorny ground?
  • Make a choice of who in your list you want to continue spending time with. Don’t be afraid if none or only 1 or 2 amongst your 5 people today meet the standard of excellence you want to set for yourself. Keep going, decrease the time you spend, and increase the amount of time you keep your eyes looking for people that you want to have as one of your 5 closest people.


Confessions of a Goal Digger Podcast Debut

cgd.png The Confessions of a Goal Digger podcasts debuts on Thursday July 14th. Our series will kick-off with our guest Marcie Littlejohn

Marcie is a transitional facilitator and author of “Why Buy The Cow” a book on developing your best self as a leader

Listen Here:

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Confessions of a Goal Digger is a podcast series presented by The Diva Movement that provides resources, information and inspiration for women leaders,professionals and entrepreneurs

Listen to the stories, inspiration and advice of some of the world’s most inspiring and enterprising women

3 Signs that Your Settling for Less

Imagine that you are preparing for an evening of fine dining.  You purchased a new dress in preparation for this spectacular dining experience.  Upon arriving, you are greeted warmly and you are escorted to an exclusive seating area specifically designed to enhance your experience for the evening.

As you approach the beautifully set table with crisp white linens, topped with fine china and glistening silverware, your anticipation of indulging in this wonderful experience continues to rise.

You reach the table and the hostess politely shows you to your seat.  But to your dismay, you’re not seated at the table, she shows you to your seat under the table.

I’m sure you are telling yourself that would never happen to me. Right?

Now think about every time that you have settled.

You could be settling for second best if:

  • You have big plans, even bigger dreams but you won’t take action
  • You’re waiting for the right conditions or circumstances to change, but it never seems to be the right time
  • You find yourself making excuses
  • You constantly feel drained
  • You find yourself jealous or envious of others success
  • You rationalize, not being good enough or worthy enough to have the best

Sound familiar to anyone? When you settle for less, you accept this crumb mindset. The Crumb mentality constantly tells you that you are “Less than” or “Not enough”. This mindset does not serve you and has no place in your life.  It will rob you of your dreams and living a life of purpose and passion.

I want to share some practical information to help live the life you deserve.

  1. Know what you want. Start by creating a clear vision of your life.  Your vision for your life is one of the greatest assets you have to living the life of your dreams. This serves as a compass that guides you to make the best choices and take the best action to help propel you to reaching your goals
  2. Know your Worth.  One of my favorite malls is the Galleria in Dallas.  There are several high end retailers located in the Galleria. If you want to shop at the Chanel store, you cannot simply walk in, you have to ring a buzzer in order to be allowed inside.  Why would they need to protect what was inside? Because they know that what lies behind those glass doors is of great value.  The way you perceive your value will affect how other people see you.
  3. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. By definition, a comfort zone is a behavioral space where your activities and behaviors fit a routine and pattern that minimizes stress and risk. You must do the thing that you think you cannot do.  There is nothing fabulous that happens inside your comfort zone.  Start today by doing something that stretches and grows you.

You deserve the best that life has to offer. The minute you settle for less than you deserve ,you get even less than you settled for. So aim high, dream big and live your best life

Women Making a Difference

We’re celebrating ordinary women who did extraordinary things to make an Impact. These women used their gifts, talents and desire to strengthen their communities to make a difference.It does not take large sums of money, extensive education or knowledge to make an Impact.  Use what you have and start where you are

Dolores Huerta-Activist/Labor Leader

Along with Cesar Chavez, Huerta co-founded the National Farmworkers Association, which eventually became the United Farm Workers (UFW), in order to unite farmers into a union that fights to protect their rights. She is a labor leader and civil rights activist who has also advocated for immigrants’ and women’s rights, earning her the Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Human Rights and Presidential Medal of Freedom. (

Candy Lightner: Stood Up Against Drunk Driving

After her 13-year-old daughter was killed by a repeat DWI offender, Candy Lightner founded Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) in her home on March 7, 1980. Before MADD, there were little to no legal consequences for driving while intoxicated; her organization transformed American attitudes about drunk driving and successfully fought for stricter laws across the country.

Daisy Bates:First Lady of Little Rock,Journalist/Activist

In 1957, Daisy Bates became a household name when she fought for the right of nine black students to attend the all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Anne Mahlum/
Founder and CEO, Back on My Feet

Anne Mahlum started running when she was 16, as an escape from turbulence in her family life. A decade later, in 2007, she began a running club for a group of men in a local homeless shelter with the belief that running could give them the confidence and sense of control they needed to rebuild their lives. In the years since, her nonprofit Back On My Feet has grown exponentially, adding programs that provide educational support and job placement, and helping hundreds of members through chapters in nine states.

Everyday Heroes: 50 Americans Changing the World One Nonprofit at a Time (Welcome Books).

Join is for The Power Lunch Series-TO LEARN HOW YOU CAN MAKE AN IMPACT-Register Here

Changing the Way Women Connect

Collecting business cards is not networking.  Networking requires a person to build relationships and make genuine connections.  Let’s face it, we buy from people we like.  The most effective promotional tool is word of mouth.  But before they will spread the word, they have to know you.  That’s where networking comes in.  Here are some useful tools to help you connect.

1. Give Value to receive value.  Be a giver,always seek ways the connection can be mutually beneficial. In other words,ask yourself “Why would someone want to connect with me?”

2.Be strategic-everyone should not have access to your time.  If you have a business or want to grow professionally,create a strategic connection plan.  Make a list of people who have the resources,knowledge and attitude to help you reach your goals

3.Think quality over quantity.  It is not a business card collecting competition.  Build a strong and intentional pool of contacts.

4. Find a mentor.  A mentor is a vital part of your personal and professional development.  The right mentor will help you expand your network and help you deepen your network pool.

5.Look for the untapped power within your existing network.  Allow these contacts to help you expand your network by asking them to make the introduction.

The DIVA Movement is changing the way women network.  We create experiences where women can connect and build relationships in fun and meaningful ways.  Join us for one of our next events. Find more information on our website

The Power of Positive Female Connections

One woman can make a difference but together we are unstoppable.

As a woman business owner, I have experienced firsthand the power of female connections.  From mentors, to teachers to youth leaders-these women have made a significant impact on my personal,spiritual and professional development.

We live in a world where women are often objectified. Leading us to believe that our lives,roles and identities exist for the pleasure, enjoyment and judgment of others. Naturally, it can lead to fierce competition. We must resist the urge to compare our lives,bodies,job titles,etc. to other women.  When we let go of the need to compete and decide to combine forces-we become unstoppable.

Connecting is a powerful skill.  But most importantly,it helps you become a more fulfilled individual, a more caring friend, a more loving partner, a more successful parent, a more productive colleague and a more effective leader.

One of the best moves you can make is one toward strengthening your positive female connections.  When women connect great things happen.

Be Empowered:Find a supportive and uplifting network of women like the Diva Movement.

Be Inspired:Connecting with like-minded women will provide a pool of inspired and empowered women.

Be Motivated:The right circle of positive female connections will motivate you to become the best version of yourself.

Connect with The Diva Movement.  Join us for one of our upcoming events.

For more information visit our website

Empowered to Succeed

On Saturday January 24,2015,more than 200 women and girls gathered to attend Be Well,Live Well:The Women’s Wealth and Wellness event hosted by The Diva Movement ™. Ladies from as far as Indiana and Michigan joined other Central Ohio women for this event focused on empowering women.

This event featured workshops led by some of the city’s top wellness, holistic, empowerment and financial experts that shared tools and strategies on how to improve their quality of life.

The day began with a morning relaxation and meditation. The rooms were filled to capacity as women learned how to build a strong financial foundation and discovered ways to protect it.  Attendees listened eagerly as our presenters provided real solutions for improving their mind,body and soul.

“My desire is to see women thrive not just survive. “Noni Thornton, President/CEO of The Diva Movement.  “The health of your mind, body and soul will influence the level of success in other areas of your life.  I want to encourage women to nurture and protect two of our greatest assets.  Our health and our wealth.”

The Diva Movement provides experiences for women to connect, learn and grow in an uplifting and empowering atmosphere.

So What’s Next

Let’s make a decision to succeed.  Motivational guru Tony Robbins puts it this way,”It is in your moments of decisions that your destiny is shaped” Simply put the moment you decide to move toward your destiny AND you respond with deliberate action,change will occur.  Of course we know that no one gets into debt or gains 25 pounds overnight.  Likewise, it would be foolish to expect an overnight reversal of our financial or health circumstances.  But you have the power to make choices that move you one step closer to a better life.

  1. Commit to putting your goals in writing. You are 80% more likely to reach your goals when you write them down.
  2. Do one thing each day or week that pushes you toward your goal
  3. Connect with people that can help you reach these goals. The Women’s Wealth and Wellness event put some leading ladies at your fingertips.  Connect with these ladies and allow them to help you achieve your goals.  Attend the Diva Movement™ trainings and events.  We are devoted to see you be the best version of yourself.

I want to see and hear of all of your triumphs in 2015!  Here’s to an Extraordinary year

5 ways to Invest in Yourself in 2015

What is one of the most important investments you can make? YOU!

Here are 5 ways to invest in yourself that will change your life.

1. Get your money Right-Here are the stats

  • Forty-two percent of all women lack financial security
  • Three out of five women over 65 cannot afford to cover their basic needs
  • Only 18% of families headed by single mothers have financial security
  • 60% of women say they are the primary breadwinner in their household
  • 60% of women say they are the primary breadwinner in their households
  • 12% of all women say they have not yet begun saving for retirement40% of women fear ending up broke and homeless

You have the power to change your financial future.  Know your numbers.  Know the amount it will take you to live comfortably before and after retirement.  Create a plan.  A savings,household spending and retirement plan. Pay off your debt.  Save more then you spend.  I know you have heard it all before, but now it’s time to do something

2. Find a community of like-minded women-If you have not found a supportive,inspiring and empowering group of supporters, it’s time to find one. According to Jim Rohn,the personal development guru, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, so the question becomes,who are you surrounding yourself with?

3. Make it a priority to Learn something new-The most successful people learn something new everyday. Reach your maximum potential, and attempt to deepen your understanding of the world around you. Life long learning increases wisdom,helps you adapt to change,enriches your life and helps to unveil your purpose.

4. Nurture yourself-Many women feel pulled in multiple different directions.  With mounting responsibilities,the traditional role of a mother or woman is to take care of others.  Women are often overwhelmed and view self-care as another “job”.  Let’s simplify the action of caring for yourself-mentally,spiritually and physically.  Do something everyday that contributes to your well-being.

5. Be present. Enjoy and be grateful for today.  Tomorrow is never promised.  Take time to see not just look.  Slow down and take time to breathe. In her memoir Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert writes about a friend who, whenever she sees a beautiful place, exclaims in p, “It’s so beautiful here! I want to come back here someday!” “It takes all my persuasive powers,” writes Gilbert, “to try to convince her that she is already here.” Stop worrying about tomorrow and start enjoying today.

Join us for “Be Well,Live Well-The Women’s Wealth & Wellness Event on Saturday January 24,2015.  This is an opportunity to take steps in investing in You!  Empowering speakers, interactive workshops that speak to your mind,body and soul.  This event is free, registration is required.  For more information visit

S-T-R-E-T-C-H Yourself

As the year comes to an end, I encourage all of you to join in me in my year end routine.  I reflect on the goals that I set for myself, review my high and low moments and ask myself the tough questions.  It’s a time to have the hard conversations.  As Iyanla Vanzant says “You got to do the work”.  Through these yearly conversations I have uncovered some hard truths and false realties.  But if I wanted next year to be better, I had to be open and honest with myself.

I guess it’s like doing a personal performance evaluation.  In my years of management, I have come in contact with numerous employees that were unable to truly give themselves feedback.  They were reluctant to give themselves praise or criticism.  I often wondered how someone can be so detached from themselves that they are blinded by the good or bad of who they are.

But 7 years ago, I was there.  I would rather turn on the television, criticize my co-worker, church member or friend, instead of working on myself.  Right now, if you focused on someone in your life, I can guarantee that you could find 10 things that were “wrong” with them.  But when you stop focusing on people and problems, you can start working on what you can control-YOU!

Here are some lessons that I’ve learned from 2014:

Being knocked down in life is a given.  Getting back up is a choice.  I have had setbacks.  Things have not always gone as planned.  I always try and drill down to the root of what went wrong.  There were some things that I had the power to change.  And the things that were out of my control, I let it go.  I live by the motto of –what is meant for me is for me.

All my failures are laying the foundation for the life of my dreams.  Failing is a sign that you are trying.  Some of our greatest leaders, innovators and inventors have failed thousands of time.  So I don’t mind being in the failing circle, because I know that my failures are propelling me into the winners circle.

Everyone in life is a teacher for me.  I always ask myself why at this time and place this person has crossed my path.  Some of the most difficult people in my life have been my greatest teachers.  At the time, they were a major pain in my backside. But when I took a minute to stop complaining, I allowed the truth to be uncovered about the purpose they served in my life.

I am worthy of the best my creation has to offer.  Say it with me “I am Worthy”.  You were created for a purpose.  It is your assignment on the Earth.  It is grand and just for you. Never settle for less then what you can be.  I am a living witness that when you open yourself up to your purpose and passion the world opens up for you.

As you begin to reflect on 2014,please share your life lessons with me.  Let’s make 2015 the best year yet!

Dream Killers: How to Spot them and Stop Them

We all have a unique purpose and plan for our existence on Earth.  Our dreams and desires are specifically designed to help us fulfill this purpose in life.  In order to fulfill your purpose and destiny, you must be aware of the people, places and circumstances that are designed to get you off course and give up on your dreams.  DREAM KILLERS!

Dream Killers can be a person,thought or idea that attempts to destroy your dream.  Dream Killers have been known to assassinate the dreams and plans of thousands of people.   The first step is to recognize some of the enemies of your dreams.

Here are some common dream killers:

Failures-There is not one person on this earth that has not failed at something.  What makes or breaks a real winner is the power that you give it. Success is never final and failure is never fatal, unless you let it.  The one indicator that you are trying is that you have failed.  To reach your dreams and fulfill your purpose you must learn to fail up.  This simply means that you use every failure as an opportunity to propel you to your destiny.

Fear-Fear is the #1 killer of dreams.  Fear of failure or for some,fear of success, can be detrimental to your success.    Fear is often not based on reality, but rather the pain, frustration or torment that we associate with past experiences and emotional bondage.  The opposite of fear is love.  Love yourself enough to put fear in its place.  Identify the root of the fear that you are experiencing and start rewriting the horrible mental movie that plays in your head.  Identify fear for what it is-a dream killer!

Energy Vampires-This can come in the form of anything that drains you of the productive and purposeful energy that you need to be the best version of yourself. Author and motivation speaker, Jim Gordon,refers to as “Energy Vampires”.  Here are the common Energy Vampire Perpetrators:

  • The victim-the world is always against them
  • The Drama Queen-Drama, Drama, Drama-enough said
  • Debbie Downers-this person can never be happy
  • Jealous Jenn-always wants what someone else has

You are the protector of your own energy.  Surround yourself with         like-minded people, who sup, push and motivate you to achieve your goals.

Equip yourself with the tools and tactics to live your best live now!  Don’t let dream killers murder your dreams.

Visit for upcoming events and resources to support your personal and professional development